Your Help to Grow Your Business
Julian Campbell
Business Wizard®
Call 0414 736 484

Transform Your Business

Have you ever wished you could find the secrets of success to grow your business?
This enlightening series of six workshops is for you if you want practical, easy to use strategies to improve the performance and profits in your business or advice on setting up your own business.
Each week will focus on a specific aspect of your business.
Transform Your Business Workshops
Week 1 - Where are You Now?
Before you can transform your business, you will need to understand your current situation. This workshop will give you a graphical insight into the critical areas that require your focus to develop your successful business.
Week 2 - Marketing Your Key to Success
You may be the best at what you do, but do the people that matter (your potential customers) know? When you use the effective tools you discover at this workshop your message will get to the right people and your sales will increase.
Week 3 - What it means to be Customer Centric
Outstanding customer service has always been important, but in these challenging times it is vital. This workshop will help you review your business approach to this crucial subject and steps you can take to ensure you provide outstanding service.
Week 4 - Gaining control of your Business Finances
Financial control is an area that sadly many business owners close their eyes to at their peril,because it is a major cause for failure. At this workshop you will discover how easy it is to gain control of your business finances with a few easy-to-understand, efficient and effective tools.

Week 5 - How an online presence can move your business forward
To remain viable, it is now essential that small business embraces the internet and develops even a basic website, but the fact is only 49 per cent of small business has a website and only 25 per cent embrace social media. In this workshop you gain an understanding of how these important tools can be easily implemented in your business and the extraordinary results you can expect.
Week 6 - Planning your Businesses Transformation
Now you have all of this fantastic information, you will have to develop a strategy to ensure your business transforms and grows. At this workshop you will discover an effective tool to make this happen.
Here’s some of the things you’ll learn.
the three ways you can make more sales.
the easy steps you must take to ensure you are paid every time.
five things you need to know about your competition.
simple ways to motivate your team.
For more information about Transforming Your Business Call Julian on 0414 736 484 or email